Kenya Ciumenene Farm
Daniel Kamiri Njoroge runs a small coffee farm with his family in Gatundu, north of Nairobi. A complex, dense coffee grows on the 1.7 hectares. The Ciumenene beans are particularly suitable as a filter coffee.
Kenya Ciumenene Farm
Daniel Kamiri Njoroge and his family run a small coffee farm in Gatundu, north of Nairobi, on around 1.7 hectares. At an altitude of around 1800 meters, the family harvests a complex coffee with aromas of apricot, hibiscus and blackcurrant.

The farm was named after Daniel's grandfather's battle cry, "Ciumenene", which means "May the harvest be great" in the Kikuyu language. Since our first visit in 2021, we have been impressed by the entrepreneurial energy of the family, who, in addition to coffee, also grow vegetables, breed fish and keep cows.

Our cooperation is not limited to coffee cultivation, but together with ViFOUNDATION we are developing alternative revenue streams such as avocado, fish farming, tomatoes etc. More information can be found at vifoundation.ch