Indonesia Orang Utan Project Coffee
The Orang Utan Project Coffee is the result of an incredible effort to protect the few remaining wild orangutans in northern Sumatra. The coffee is intense and heavy and therefore perfect for a special flat white or french press. The coffee is available by the bag or as a coffee subscription.
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Indonesia Orang Utan Project Coffee
The Sumatran orangutans are threatened with extinction. The tropical rainforest on Sumatra, their home, is being massively deforested by companies in search of tropical timber and land for the palm oil industry.

Our coffee comes from the village of Wih Bersih in the Gayo highlands, where smallholder families cultivate their coffee gardens organically and are committed to protecting the rainforest and its animals.

For their sustainable farming methods, the coffee farmers and the orangutan protection program receive a premium of EUR 1.50 per kilogram of green coffee.