We are a diverse team of innovative, motivated and creative minds, which despite (or precisely because of) this diversity, have a lot in common. Respect and mutual trust are the foundations of everything we do.
Espresso Bars
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With Tina, cosy evenings of cooking for friends often end with a board game. She loves people who have a lot of heart and likes to hike, even on rainy and windy Sundays.
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As a food scientist, Christoph can not only tell you the exact composition of our organic milk, but as one of our roasting masters he can also explain in detail how the beans got to your coffee cup. He sees something good in everything and everyone, and when he really enjoys something, you’ll get his signature reaction: “Phaaantastic!”
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Born in Spain, she is the mother of two sons, a passionate flamenco dancer, loves to travel the world and treats her family to homecooked Spanish dishes.
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Jasmine doesn’t just drink coffee because she really, really wants to – she simply has to. Because, as she says herself: without her daily dose of coffee she is really unbearable. As a snowboarder, she always looks forward to the first snow and the cold winter days in autumn, or she goes backpacking in the high mountains of Tibet.
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Malte was born in the former GDR the year before the fall of the Berlin Wall and loves his bike. “Irgendöppis” is his favourite word in Swiss german.
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Marion goes well with ViCAFE - because she prefers to brew coffee rather than cook food. She has so many creative ideas that she hardly ever gets to try them all. Her nickname is "Büsi", and if you know her well, you can actually spot cat-like behavior from time to time.
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Sarah likes it when the rain hits the roof at night. But not so much when it’s still raining the next morning, because she never has an umbrella with her. If she then also forgets her headphones, the day can only be saved by coffee. She prefers to attend concerts at intimate venues and hang out in the kitchen with friends – sometimes until the sun comes up again.
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Tired of life as a steel trader in Hamburg, after two short visits to Zurich Felix decided to pack up and move here straight away. Even if he calls himself a friend of extended sleep, Felix is infectiously good-humoured at 6 am and uses the Espresso Bars as a stage for slapstick interludes, during which he lovingly imitates his fellow baristas and guests.
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Eileen grew up with three mother tongues. She likes to cook, yoga and to discover the world. She studies psychology and biology, likes to keep things tidy and likes to drink a flat white, while lo-fi through her headphones takes her into the day.
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People sometimes ask whether he is under stress. No, Joel is chilled, he just talks so quickly. He spends his free time riding his BMX, playing his acoustic guitar.
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Lili is currently studying Journalism 2.0 in Bern. Previously, she stayed in England, where she learned the art of the barista. Behind the coffee machine sparkles not only her spotlessly clean worksurface, but her positive attitude and forthright quips, which she delivers with a cheeky grin and in an Austrian dialect. Lili plans her holidays around the availability of good coffee and food. A reasonable approach!
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Jonas can dance his name. It is still unclear whether that goes with his favourite music, techno and house. In addition to training as a fitness trainer, Jonas also enjoys doing sports, skiing and playing ice hockey in his free time. It just has to be fair and simple, otherwise he suddenly forgets his otherwise cheerful, relaxed manner. He describes himself as a hopeless romantic and organisational freak, and if you want to make him happy, visit a farm with him – grazing cows fascinate him.
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Stephanie has so many kitchen appliances that her roommate has strictly prohibited further purchases. She doesn’t let that stop her. After all, you need some distractions during the student years. Her biology studies keep her busy: she studies cute animal pictures on Instagram before getting up, dives into the depths of the oceans for new animal species and absolutely wants to learn the latte art swan. If her career as a barista doesn’t work out, she will apply to become a professional dumpling maker. If you want to learn Schwyzer expressions, the best thing to do is to contact Stephanie: Currently she is trying to establish the word “Gumel” (Härdopfel) in Züri.
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Jonna is not only at home in the barista but also in the scout business. She regularly organizes summer camps and affectionately calls her protégés “mini chinde”. She likes to go to concerts - and there she refills her wardrobe. Because Jonna always has to buy a T-shirt at the merch stand. If it should take longer in front of the coffee window, Jonna will be happy to entertain you with her unique eyebrow wave. Just ask about it, she will be happy to demonstrate it
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Im Bed&Breakfast ihrer Eltern in Eglisau gab es ViCAFE zum Frühstück - und nach der Schule zur Belohnung ein Vivi Kola. Als Markenbotschafterin par excelence fehlte Lara eigentlich nur noch die Position hinter der Espresso Bar. Dort passt sie prima hin, denn dank ihrer hilfsbereiten und fröhlichen Art ist die Vorfreude auf einen Kaffee gleich noch ein etwas höher.
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Olga widmet ihre Freizeit der Klimabewegung und der Suche nach Rechtschreibfehlern. Insbesondere fehlende oder falsch platzierte Kommas setzen ihr gehörig zu. Unter Druck bleibt sie (äusserlich) ruhig, gibt aber in in komischen Situationen lustige Geräusche von sich. Die Frage nach ihrem Musikgeschmack stellt ein heikles Thema dar, einfacher gestaltet sich ihre Zukunftsplanung: Politisch interessiert wie sie ist, ist das Polito-Studium eine logische Wahl. Ist sie einmal gestresst, dann wird gekocht.
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Renato mag Ski- und Motorradfahren, Mountainbike und Joggen - und als richtiger Eglisauer natürlich den Sprung in den kalten Rhein. Als Familienmensch mit 3 Kindern ist er sich das Multitasking gewöhnt. Sein Arbeitsplatz im ViCAFE Eglisau ist ihm gar nicht fremd, im Gegenteil. Neuerdings trinkt er seinen Doppio einfach hinter der Theke anstatt wie bisher als Kunde davor.
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Carina will open any jar for you in no time. Under the lid of a cheerful and sometimes almost too kind person is a person with clear principles: She wants to study anything, definitely a subject without math - and without a commitment to a green thumb - her wilted houseplants can sing a song about that. Once started, she has to finish watching movies, she never leaves the house without chewing gum and almost prefers to listen than to talk about herself.
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It just has to have a gap in the matrix somewhere - Simon is definitely convinced by the fact that he was born in the wrong century, because he likes old objects and everything from the past. He studies German and history, likes cycling, word games and always tries to repair defective things himself first. And because this apparently does not yet sufficiently exhaust him, he always has to help everyone when moving.
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Sophia oftentimes needs to explain why her voice is as distinctly deep voice - but that's just the way it is. Besides her studies, she hardly has time for her "clever" hobby, but at least it's easy to listen to music while making coffee. She likes a lot of it, but not everything, and one of her favorite genres is film music.
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Casey has never broken anything and has never been stung by a bee. Sounds like a person who always plans a safe distance of three steps to the abyss - but it's not. Because you only live once, Casey likes to pack her bags and discover the world. If it were possible, she would like not only to travel - but to travel through time. She can quickly remember names, but still forgets half of her belongings. She likes dogs and eats almost everything with salt and lemon.
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Her taste in music is "undefined" and her favorite travel destinations are "all". But this doesn't mean that Ana doesn't have clear ideas - she just finds almost everything interesting. She takes care of her flatmates like a mommy, likes good food and photography, likes to listen and has a big heart for cats.
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Certain people divide the day into morning and afternoon. Smilla prefers to divide the day in half with a nap, which is almost obligatory for her. She doesn't like cake and boiled peppers - there is no need to discuss at all. Otherwise, Smilla is very fond of discussions and likes to form her opinion after a round-table discussion, taking into account all aspects.
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The trained cook not only relies on careful mise en place in the kitchen, but also likes to be well planned and organised in life. She definitely wants to travel to Iceland one day, likes baking, cooking and filming and describes herself as a "maybe sometimes funny person".
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Nora can't help but sing along when a good song is playing - and of course this also applies to our espresso bars. Reading a good book, a walk in the sun and a delicious breakfast are all part of her daily ritual. By the way, she loves wearing socks with funny patterns.
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From round metal discs to sweaty running shoes to muddy sleeping bags. Kai feels at home wherever he can push his limit (or occasionally exceed it). He is passionate about eating and drinking local food prepared with love. Kais day is made when he can share this passion with others and put a smile on their face.
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Michelle enjoys doing things with her hands, such as drawing, crafting or brewing coffee. She can be found mainly in art museums and various cafés, but every now and then she also enjoys simply relaxing at home and doing nothing.
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You'll find Marco in almost every place, full of energy and with the biggest grin on his face. True to the motto ‘You may not remember what he said, but you definitely remember how you felt.’ We can't say whether Marco's coffee consumption plays a role in this, but we have a hunch...
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When Colin is not making coffee, he plays acoustic guitar or Magic: The Gathering. As a commuter, books and audio books are his constant companions to keep him entertained on long train journeys. When it's time for a break from commuting and coffee, Colin is drawn to warmer climes, to the beach.
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Sonja not only plays the violin excellently, but is also a hobby poet. The best thing to do is to see for yourself: "Im Summer immer am Lette, t Kafis so wies si sötted.Spilt ganz vill Violine, immer beschäftigt wie eh Biene. Im Winter vill im Schnee, trurig wirsch sie selte gseh"
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When working, Polina can be recognised by her braid, glittering eye shadow and starfish necklace. Rock music, plants and unique earrings are her favourites. Her travel destinations include beaches, nature and beautiful museums.
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You will quickly recognise Anna (she/her) by her loud seagull-like laugh and she likes to accompany many (most) of her actions with noises/sound effects.
When she's not drinking coffee, she's in the theatre.
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Besides our espresso bars, you can also meet Ella while she's whizzing through the city on her bike, on the football pitch and at concerts.
She likes to laugh a lot, especially at dad jokes, and loves to relax by sewing, dancing and cooking with friends!
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Anika enjoys cooking and baking and loves being out in nature, whether it's for a short walk in the forest or a hike in the mountains.
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When Maxi isn't cutting up clothes and sewing them back together again, you'll find her in a bar somewhere in Kreis 4 chatting with friends in a good mood with ‘me gsprützte Wiisse’. Her natural habitats include brockis, lakes, cafés and beautiful parks.
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Summer is Alina's favourite time of year, when she likes to watch the sunset outside with a Vivi Kola and enjoy the transition from day to night. Music is one of her passions in life and jazz is the main actor in it, a bit of beach would be the only thing that would make Switzerland even more perfect for Alina.
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Johanna is always knitting, sewing or crafting. And when the weather is nice, she's out and about in the mountains, although she's still busy knitting on the train.
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Amy has lived in Brazil, originally comes from Canada – and quickly found her way to Zurich: her good sense of direction never fails her. It’s probably what brought her to ViCAFE, where she not only prepares coffee, but also provides us with delicious baked goods. Amy has two cell phones: one for “regular things” and the other for music. She listens to everything, but jazz is not one of her favourite things.
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As a food scientist, Christoph can not only tell you the exact composition of our organic milk, but as one of our roasting masters he can also explain in detail how the beans got to your coffee cup. He sees something good in everything and everyone, and when he really enjoys something, you’ll get his signature reaction: “Phaaantastic!”
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Luca loves languages – no wonder he is studying communication for organisations and journalism. He loves to listen and play music and who ever visits him in the ViCAFE Eglisau can expect to hear everything from film scores to blues. Luca admires the soccer club Manchester United and loves fantasy-novels which he reads accompanied with an espresso.
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Ruben emigrated to London to become a musician, but he also came back a barista. Now he challenges his colleagues with his latte art and roasts our coffee in Altstetten. As a former polymechanic, he’s also handy at fixing things around the Espresso Bars.
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David loves the outdoors and probably explores it more in his free time than you and I combined. It may well happen that he covers 200km a day on his racing bike. No wonder he loves coffee, as it gives him the energy he needs to do this. About his home country Portugal he says that there are beautiful beaches, however, here you get the better coffee.
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Niels kann zwar nicht mit geschlossener Türe schlafen, aber sonst fast alles. Er ist DJ, gelernter Bäcker Konditor, Tontechniker, hat ein Herz für Mensch und Tier und ist für jeden Blödsinn zu haben. Bei ViCAFE kümmert er sich um die Logistik und die anfallenden Arbeiten in der Rösterei. In seiner Freizeit überrascht er gerne seine Freunde, hört heimlich Country Musik und baut dir in windeseile deinen IKEA Schrank zusammen
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Christian is a board member and founder of ViCAFE. As CEO, the trained graphic designer manages the company’s operations. In the early years of ViCAFE, Christian roasted the coffee himself and knows all our coffee farmers personally. Furthermore, his influence can be found in the design of the shops and not shying away from being hands-on when he helped build the first espresso bars. Christian is a passionate paddler and founder and managing director of ViCAFE’s sister company Vivi Kola.
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Managing Director Espresso Bars Ramon manages and leads the ViCAFE Espresso Bars. He was the first employee in Zurich. After a career as a professional ice hockey player, Ramon studied marketing, acquired in-depth coffee knowledge in Colombia and was exclusively behind the coffee machine in the first year of business of the Goldbrunnenplatz branch. Ramon is responsible for the careful selection and training of employees, the operation of the espresso bars, quality assurance and much more.
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Born in Namibia, grew up in Cape Town, landed in Zurich. No wonder Marcus switches from German to English and back about three times per sentence. He likes Japanese whiskey, good design and adrenaline-fueled sports. As a surfer, he is “a pretty chilled guy,” he says. Marcus likes good food and culinary experiments, only with his beloved “Braai” aka BBQ is he reluctant to talk.
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Pascal has a soft spot for farmers, whether they are coffee farmers in Tanzania or dairy farmers in the Zurich Oberland. Pascal is fascinated by container ships but there are not really a lot on the Lake of Zurich. That’s why he likes to cross the lake with his own sailing boat. He dreams of being a really good amateur photographer, which unfortunately he is not. But he is good at cooking vegetables, which he would love to grow himself.
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Malte was born in the former GDR the year before the fall of the Berlin Wall and loves his bike. “Irgendöppis” is his favourite word in Swiss german.
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Joelle sings loudly in the car to her favorite music - also with her two children in her luggage on the way to the sea. After all, Italy is their second home. The perfectionist likes to laugh a lot and is not funny - says her husband.
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Tired of life as a steel trader in Hamburg, after two short visits to Zurich Felix decided to pack up and move here straight away. Even if he calls himself a friend of extended sleep, Felix is infectiously good-humoured at 6 am and uses the Espresso Bars as a stage for slapstick interludes, during which he lovingly imitates his fellow baristas and guests.
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Aaron ist sehr gross und trinkt am liebsten kurze Americanos. Der Fotograf von Vivi Kola und ViCAFE verbrachte die meiste Zeit seines Lebens entweder in London oder in San Francisco - bis es ihn in die Schweiz zog. Hier verbringt er praktisch jedes Wochenende mit Wandern oder Radfahren, immer im Gepäck dabei ist natürlich seine Kamera. Er interessiert sich für Musik und andere kreativen Künste, die ihn stets dazu inspirieren sie gleich selbst auszuprobieren. Neustes Projekt: Schneidern.
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It's hard for Marc to say if he prefers snowboarding or surfing - but what he doesn0t like for sure is cinnamon. Watching horror movies with him is horror in itself, as he is very jumpy - but still can't help to still watching such movies. If you invite Marc to dinner, you can make him happy with raclette and fajitas. However, one should be aware that he likes to eat double portions.
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Bianca is multicultural in person, as according to her DNA test she comes from more than 10 different nationalities spread over three continents. This explains why she only skied for the first time at the age of 33 and yet she can do it better than you. The broccoli from her vegetable patch are known beyond the garden's borders and she admits to being a morning grouch or a night owl
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Adrian's adrenaline level rises when traveling and sometimes when (over)doing sports. Adrian doesn't have a pet, which is mainly due to the fact that only a chimpanzee would come into question as a pet for him. His passions are traveling and eating - luckily these two passions can be combined wonderfully.
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A bubbly, cheerful girl with a persistent Eastern Swiss dialect, although she has lived in the canton of Züri for over 25 years. Swears by yoga and strongly believes that FCZ should be Swiss football champion every year.
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Melanie is the whirlwind of the sales team! As a Sales Operations Specialist, she juggles customer enquiries, sales figures and coffee cups - all at once. In parallel, she is completing her business studies. She has a soft spot for art and can usually be found with a paintbrush in her free time. And by the way, she's always in a good mood - even on Mondays!
We're a close team committed to making specialty coffee accessible. Are you ready to join ViCAFE’s mission and offer exceptional, sustainable coffee experiences?